Thursday, October 20, 2011

My vintage camera collection

If you know me well, you are aware of how much I love shopping thrift stores and yard sales. I find awesome props nearly every time I go out. Last year, I came across a few vintage cameras and photography magazines at a couple yard sales. I thought they would be great subjects for a photography project. I put them away before I took a chance to shoot them until last night. I was inspired by a photo challenge in one of my online photography groups. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

My 1st published fashion spread!!!!

So after I felt confident about my work enough to submit to magazines, I started to research a few and made a list of the publications I wanted to be published in. The first one on that list was Kamoy Magazine's 2011 Fashion Issue. The crazy part about that decision is that I made it before the opportunity to be in their 2011 Sexy Issue came my way. The editor, Nerissa Irving, is an international natural hair model that I started following when I had long locs. (Actually, my late brother started following her I guess it was destined. Well, I did a fashion spread featuring Medatsu Apparel's 2011 Fall Collection for the issue and sent it over. Within minutes, I had a confirmation from the editor that my photos were approved. Ecstatic, I was!!!

MUA: Nicole Dorsey
Designer & Styling: I AM MEDATSU I AM MEDATSU

Friday, October 14, 2011


Wow! I have so much to's going to be a while to catch up. Let's see...for those of you that follow me on facebook, the Kamoy Magazine Sexy Issue feature is old news (published July 2011 ) but I will start there. I am truly grateful that the opportunity to be published in an international magazine was given to me. It featured my dear friend and fellow photographer, Arekah the Goddess.

This shoot meant so much to me. It was called "Butterfly". I always wanted to do a photostory about my friend's growth and emergence into the artist she has become because her story is very close to mine. Not only is she a great photographer, but she also is a poet/spoken word artist, singer, actress, fashionista, and motivator.

This publication gave the courage to do what I originally wanted to do.....submit for the fashion issue......#staytuned

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Digging in the Archives Part1

As I was looking for photographs to print and add to my website, I ran across some of my favorites from my first year of photography. During that time, I was shooting nature and art as I learned my craft before I ventured into fashion photography. I really enjoyed it!

During that first year of my photographic journey, I would go out and shoot whatever I saw (I still do that, actually). One day after a brief rain, I stepped out on my porch and noticed the bush...It looks so relaxed and serene, like fresh out a hot shower. I ran inside and grabbed my camera and starting shooting.  

Many times I took my camera down to the riverside to take some random shots of my kids. One Sunday we stayed until sunset and I photographed it. Yeah, I know everyone has a sunset shot but this one was a first for me and I just love the colors in it. The golden hues seem to strengthen me. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One year later.........

Wow! It's been a year since I updated this blog but I won't let that happen again. I made a vow to myself that I will share more about me and my photos. So with that said....let me get to blogging! Also you can follow me on Google+Tumblr, Facebook and/or Twitter but I promise the content here will be exclusive. Stay tuned!!!